Category Archives: Property Taxes

Corzine to NJ: Believe My Foggy Delusions

From today’s Star Ledger article: In face of protests, Corzine believes in new budget:

“I think the economy will be very much on people’s minds when we get around to going to the polls in the fall. It will be my responsibility for the purposes of a second term (to convince) people that I have the best ability to get us through there, and I’m confident I will be able to do that or I wouldn’t run.”

And we should believe him because…?

Corzine answering a reporters question during his post budget signing press conference on July 8, 2006.

100 Day Tax Revolt

Mike Donohue and Frank Conrad, who are running for the State Assembly, are leading the tax revolt in the 1st Legislative District. On the first leg of their revolt in Cumberland County, they found universal frustration among all voters with Corzine and Democrats’ $1.5 Billion Tax Hike Plan. View the Cumberland County’s reaction to Corzine’s Tax Plan Here.

Corzine to Middle Class: Drop Dead

The GOP launched a web video last week called “Corzine to Middle Class: Drop Dead.” The video features media reaction and commentary and focuses attention on Corzine’s 2009 budget proposal to increases taxes on middle class families in New Jersey.

If Property Tax Rebates were the solution, why is Corzine cutting them?

Governor Corzine is already beginning to point fingers for completely failing to fulfill his campaign promises. But when he was running for Governor these weren’t just his promises, they were his plans to get New Jersey’s economy moving again.

Corzine’s political spin has turned him around a full 360 degrees. He said he would fix the budget mess by lowering property taxes, cutting state spending and creating jobs. Now he blames New Jersey’s budget problems as the very reason he can’t do it.

Yesterday’s Star Ledger writes,

“The Republicans are already citing Corzine’s broken budget promises, while the Democratic governor says a national emergency forced him to make choices he never imagined.”

But, New Jersey’s budget problems should have come as no surprise to Corzine. Before he made even one campaign promise, everyone knew the State was almost bankrupt. Just look at this quote from Governor Cody’s 2005 budget message:

“In this budget address, there’s good news and there’s bad news. The good news is we’re not bankrupt. The bad news is, we’re close…Our state is facing a fiscal crisis…It can’t be solved in one year or even the next few years.”

If Corzine failed to keep his promises to get the state’s economy moving again because of a bad economy, what makes him think another four years will do anything?

Oppose the Corzine $1.5 Billion Tax Increase Plan

Governor Corzine cannot lead New Jersey out of tough economic times by raising taxes on New Jersey’s middle-class working families and struggling businesses.

At a time when our economy is hurting and families are losing their jobs, their homes and their savings, Corzine is proposing to increase taxes by $1.5 billion by raising property, income and business taxes.

The Corzine $1.5 billion tax hike plan:

  • Raise property taxes $500 million by eliminating rebates for families earning over $75,000 a year,

  • Raise income taxes for middle class families by elminating the property tax deduction from the NJ Income tax,

  • Raise business taxes by $480 million by increasing payroll taxes and extending the corporate business-tax surcharge,

  • Raise income taxes by $350 million on the top tier tax bracket,

  • Increase taxes on cars, cigarettes, alcohol, and wine.

After seven years of tax increases (more than 100), a 50% increase in state spending, and a tripling of state debt, it’s time for all of us to draw a line in the sand and say “Enough!”